Health Insurance And Managed CareMembers can log in for the most accurate, personalized search results. If you skip this quick but important step, you could miss out on a plan that’s much better suited to you and your family. No—In almost all cases, there’s a waiting period before coverage starts. Find out if your employer offers a wellness p… Read More

Get 2021 Health Coverage Health Insurance Marketplace®For more information on the health insurance you need, connect to any of our guides to learn more. Any health plan you are considering will give you access to a list of in-network doctors. Like millions of newly uninsured Americans, you have short-term, marketplace, even Medicaid health plans … Read More

Health Insurance Basics For Teens” requirement, then you may be eligible for financial help to purchase through the Marketplace. “Minimum value” means your employer plan pays at least 60% of the total cost of medical services. Your employer can tell you whether the insurance plan it offers meets minimum value. Vision and dental plans are a lo… Read More

Understanding Health InsuranceIf so, visit Pennsylvania's insurance marketplace to search for and purchase health and dental coverage and apply for financial assistance. This flexible health insurance option can offer you coverage for any period between 30 days and 12 months, depending on the short-term health insurance plan, and the where you live… Read More